Online marketing is becoming an absolutely essential part of running a successful business. More and more consumers are finding products online and making purchases online. Approximately 88 percent of US internet users above the age of 14 browsed or researched products online in 2012. Furthermore, approximately 40 percent of those consumers researching products via the internet followed up on social media, requesting more information before making a purchase. Additionally, more and more consumers are using the internet to find products or services on their mobile devices while out shopping: 65 percent of mobile Internet users report that they rely on their smartphone or tablet to find a local business in order to make a purchase.
As more and more customers are buying products online, they are increasingly turning to search engines to find what they need. Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is an incredibly important piece of internet marketing. The higher a website appears in search engine rankings the more likely a consumer is to click on it, which translates into more sales. Leads that are generated through SEO have a 14.6 percent close rate, while outbound leads only average a 1.7 percent close rate. SEO marketing is also cost effective. Search engine optimization is an inbound lead, costing 61 percent less than outbound leads. Google rankings are especially important as google is estimate to have between 65 percent and 70 percent of the Internet search engine market share.
However, website rankings can be incredibly complex, determined by a variety of factors including web content, web design, HTML, coding, and keywords. To improve your website ranking, you may want to consult an SEO services firm, also known as an SEO company or an Seo service company. An SEO services firm utilizes a variety of tools to help improve these aspects of a website and thus increase a website’s rankings. Therefore, an Seo service firm can be a great investment, as the SEO services firm can help you to increase your websites ranking, thus generating more traffic from potential customers and more business. To help generate more customers for your business consider working with an SEO services firm or SEO services company.